When placing your order, discounts are applied by voucher code. Voucher codes are sent out via email or through social media. You can enter a voucher code in the Redeem Codes and Offers section of the basket; however, you cannot apply more than one code at a time.
If you request a refund on a discounted order, you will receive the price you paid in return. If you need to see a breakdown of your final payable amount, read our guide to how your bill is calculated.
There are new discount codes occasionally added on the My Offers page which can be found in the Basket.
Complimentary welcome discount
When you place your first order with Popsa your welcome discount will be applied automatically. If you would like to use a different voucher code, you'll need to remove your welcome discount code first.
Check what your voucher code covers
Before proceeding with any design, make sure you check the terms and conditions of your discount.
Please be aware that:
- All voucher codes have different conditions of use
- Exclusions will always be stated on the promotional material
If you believe there is a mistake in applying a voucher code, please contact our customer service team
Note Terms and conditions are included when the voucher is added to your basket. If you received the voucher via email, you can also find the details at the bottom of the email.
High-volume discounts
Many schools and businesses use Popsa to create products in higher volume orders. If you order in bulk, you could be eligible for further discount. We have a guide to volume discounts for more pricing information on this.
If you're ordering more than 20 photobooks, contact our customer service team with the details of your intended order to discuss a custom voucher code discount.
Social media discount codes
Popsa works with influencers – popular social media personalities – all over the world. We have partnered with influencers who are active on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and TikTok. Voucher codes are periodically made available via their content.