Estimated delivery times are provided in the app when selecting a shipping option, after you have chosen a delivery address. Delivery times may vary depending on your location, the specification of your order and the shipping option you selected.
Print timings also depend on the specifications of your order. You can estimate the time until dispatch to understand the production time. Once your items are ready for dispatch, you can expedite a delivery or, if you need your order to arrive sooner, learn more about Rush Shipping. You will also be able track your shipment if you've chosen Tracked or Rush Shipping.
During national holidays and special occasions, such as Christmas, delivery times may vary. Allow extra time where possible, and check the last order dates for delivery in time for Christmas.
The vast majority of shipments arrive on time. However, in rare circumstances, there may be delays due to circumstances outside of Popsa's control.
Estimated delivery times for each shipping option
Shipping method | Country or region | Delivery time (working days) |
Standard | UK USA Europe Australasia Rest of the world |
4 - 5 days 6 - 7 days 7 - 10 days 6 - 7 days 10 - 20 days |
Express | UK USA |
2 - 3 days 3 - 4 days |
Tracked | UK Europe Australasia Rest of the world |
4 - 5 days 7 - 10 days 6 - 7 days 9 - 19 days |
Rush | UK USA Europe |
1 - 2 days 2 - 3 days 3 - 4 days |
Bear in mind
- Delivery times refer to business working days only (Monday to Friday)
- To estimate when your order will arrive, be sure to add together your estimated time until dispatch and your estimated delivery
Delivery on a specific day
We cannot guarantee that your order will arrive on its estimated date.
If you need your item to arrive sooner, you can expedite a delivery by choosing Rush Shipping when you first check out.
International delivery times
We ship to around 50 countries worldwide, and have multiple print partners to keep delivery times as fast as possible. You can learn more about this in our complete guide to shipping.
Delayed or lost shipment
Firstly, check the delivery address on your order in the Popsa app to ensure all information is correct. If you selected Tracked or Rush Shipping, you'll receive details to track your shipment. For Standard and Express Shipping you'll need to find your order reference number and contact our customer service team.
Please be sure to check the delivery address on your order for all deliveries that have not arrived 14 days after dispatch before contacting our customer service team.
Order update notifications
Once your order is confirmed you'll receive regular order update notifications via the Popsa app, and to your registered email address. You can also view the status of your order or estimate the time until dispatch.
Once dispatched, you will only receive tracked information updates if you selected Tracked or Rush Shipping during the checkout process.